Who We Are?
A partnership of local key green business innovators, residents; universities; councils and, engineering, science and medical professions.
This is a community-led project bringing together a wide range of people and organisations with a shared vision about Climate Change. The proposed Coventry and Warwickshire pilot Air Quality Centre (CW-AQC) will gather and disseminate information on existing efforts locally to reduce carbon footprint by focussing on measures to reduce pollution, targeting four specific areas; Transport, Energy, Agriculture/Food and Education sectors. One of the key areas would be to reduce CO2, NOx and Particulate matters (PM10, 2.5 and < 2.5) emissions by concentrating on energy use/cost all year round and to encourage and develop energy saving schemes underpinned by a robust target setting and measurement methodology using science-based targets. The key partners are:
Coventry and Warwickshire Air Quality Peoples’ Chamber (C&W AQPC) composed of resident associations, Schools and STEM centres (www.inspire-group.org) pollution specialists, green technologists, local green energy innovators, local universities, regional engineering and scientific professional institutions, local education, research and innovation centres, local councils, car and engine manufacturers, medical profession and so forth. Several other organisations and companies have also declared interest in the project. What is significant here is that the smaller companies involved will be supported by the partner universities and innovation centres in knowledge acquisition and supported by local, national and international capabilities and capacities. This proposal especially focuses on local residents and young people to engage in resolving environmental issues that directly concern them, such as pollution in the air and builds on the success of an air quality school competition. A copy of the C&W AQPC report can be found at http://www.marifuture.org/Publications/Articles/Air_Quality_Conference_Report.pdf. The C&W- AQPC has commissioned several recent articles and reports and a sample can be found at http://www.marifuture.org/Publications/Articles.aspx.
Engagement with other Communities
- The partners are aware that this project is not about promoting their already developed products and ideas but learn from good practices and create opportunities to involve new partners and project ideas. One key area is to engage individuals in changing their lifestyles and food habits and encourage them to gravitate to use either less energy or greener/cleaner sources and to improve home/work insulation and so forth; helping people and organisations to use less fossil fuels and reduce pollution should be areas for consideration. There are several organisations which have proven record in life style changes for greener future through effective education and dissemination of useful information.
- Coventry University and Warwick University together with C4FF have extensive education, research, development and innovation project consortia. Lists of these are available from these organisations’ websites. C4FF’s idea of designing engines running efficiently also at lower speeds or replacing domestic boilers by more efficient and less polluting ones are and should be of interest.
- C4FF designer of UK first hybrid car and bus, has an unrivalled expertise in pollution studies and has extensive networks with schools and runs the air quality competition in schools; and coordinates a number of charities working on STEM (www.inspire-group.org); they work very closely with the local universities, industry and engineering and scientific institutions, currently they are holding the Chair of Midlands Mechanical Engineering and a leading contributor to the local marine engineers and electrical and production engineers’ programmes and events. Both Warwick University and Coventry University will work in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture sector, Coventry Universities will support the pollution studies (they are currently leading the UK Government Special Interest Group in Particulate Matters jointly with C4FF, Climate Change Solutions Ltd works with Coventry & Warwickshire LEP, Heart of England Community Energy (60,000 solar panels) Coventry & Warwickshire Health Service, and are member of the Coventry and Warwick Air Quality People’s Chamber (C&W AQPC) supported by EON UK, Cadent Ltd Coventry Trade Union Council, Coventry City of Culture and Coventry for a Green New Deal; they will support innovation in transportation and green energy. Electric Zoo’s has developed a novel electric car scheme for cities and towns.
Sample Achievements
Partners have:
- worked with UN and supported the EU/UK Government agencies in preparation of schemes/rules to reduce energy use and lower emissions on land and at sea. Extensive efforts by partners specifically academics in developing cutting edge green energy systems and devises to capture engine emissions. There are many funded projects in these areas which the partners won against the best in the world complemented by several prestigious awards for outstanding achievements.
- led the UK Government funded Special Interest Group (SIG) in pollution (Coventry University/C4FF), Designed the First UK Hybrid Bus and Car (C4FF), Developed new and Cleaner ICE (Warwick University/C4FF); designed the first Biomass energy plant (See Gaya Plant in Lyon, France); Organised several conferences on Air Quality (C&W AQPC), Initiated the School Air Quality Assignments/Awards (IMechE/C&W AQPC). There is extensive collaboration with tree wardens in the area supporting tree plantation and offering advice to businesses and councils on trees and plants.
- Worked on projects for households to adopt simple methodologies of using their car less and drying cloths in the open air rather than using a tumbler dryer and, reducing the heating to a minimum in winter months as well as switching off appliances and lights when not needed. There are so many simple ways of reducing carbon footprint at home and work. The combined impact could reach millions of millions pounds saving each year.
- Delivered fact sheets for household how to save energy using their boiler and household appliances as well as making travel choices by calculating Carbon footprint for trains, cars , air and ships.
- organised conferences and exhibitions and supported local climate action projects. The Air that We Breathe conference on 18th June 2019 brought together businesses, public sector organisations and NGO’s to plan how to locally implement the 2030 UN climate emergency objectives and establish a Air Quality People’s Chamber with over 50 organisations. (Coventry University and C4FF)
- worked for over 30 years with cities to reduce air pollution and designed novel hybrid engines and awarded several international and national awards – see examples at (http://www.c4ff.co.uk/history/papers/Bath_Pollution_Probe.pdf; http://www.c4ff.co.uk/history/papers/Green_Machine.jpg; http://www.c4ff.co.uk/history/awards/National_Diploma-Hybrid_Vehicles.pdf)
- Carried out research under the auspices of Coventry University and Warwick University which led to several funded low carbon projects.
Initiated a air quality school competition and developed school curriculum resources; distributed fact sheets in 2019 about the global emergency to Coventry secondary school students and teaching staff outlining what realistic changes each can make – see http://www.marifuture.org/Publications/Articles/Pollution_in_the_Air.pdf
Key Good Practices – Benchmarking
- Clean Air Task Force US-based non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been working to reduce air pollution since its founding in 1996. It led a successful campaign to reduce the pollution caused by coal-fired power plants in the US, helped limit the US power sector’s CO2 emissions, and helped establish regulations of diesel, shipping, and methane emissions.
- The Clean Energy Innovation programme at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation – looks into smart clean energy research and development and the effectiveness of increasing spending in that space, then advises policymakers on the best course of action.
- Rainforest Foundation US – works to protect the rainforests of Central and South America by partnering directly with folks on the front lines
- Sandbag – Based in London and Brussels, Sandbag is a nonprofit think tank that uses data analysis to help build evidence-based climate policy. It advocates for carbon capture and storage in the EU, pushes for strong carbon pricing, and works to accelerate the coal phase-out in Europe so as to ensure all plants are closed before 2030
- Norway, Switzerland and Slovenia and several others clean environment projects has significantly reduced GHGs and improve air quality.
- C4FF, UK – design of Biomass plant (example see Lyon France) and their hybrid vehicle designs won the UK national award and Institute of Transport’s McKenzie Technical junner Award. Their clean internal combustion engine projects developed a series of new clean engine systems. The Chair of C4FF has supported cities in air quality measurement such Bath and Bristol. Some of articles/papers on air pollution can be found at http://www.marifuture.org/Publications/Articles.aspx. C4FF’s Inspire Group (www.inpisre-group.org) has several charities working with over 8000 schools locally.
- Coventry University’s UK Government funded Special Interest Group (SIG) in pollution studies and research has developed a network of some 900 researchers together linked to several university and national as well as international projects in reducing engine emissions specially Particulate Matters (PMs).
- Warwick University’s autonomous and clean engine as well as electric battery production is key and set of unique resources to support the achievement of the intended aims.
- Good work being done in several cities (Oxford, Bristol, etc.) in the UK – see articles in www.marifuture.org.